The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Fantastic Food

Why is dietary fibre good for us?  This is a question Year 6 boys have been investigating in order to create a healthy high fibre muffin.  Designing and cooking some 'super snacks' has been a lot of fun in Food Design.


'Healthy fast food' – is it really possible?  Year 7 Food Design boys have discovered that it is easy to make your own 'fast food' using healthy ingredients and a little bit of kitchen know how.  Whether it is the individually designed burgers, the tangy chicken nuggets or the mini quiches, it is easy to make a healthy and delicious fast food choice.


What better way to learn about meal planning and nutrition, than to make a range of breakfasts, lunches and dinners?  Year 8 boys have been learning how to cook some delicious meals. I am looking forward to seeing their menu planning in action when they cook their own choice lunch recipes later in the term.


Mrs Stella Hodgson
Middle School Food Design Teacher