The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

From the Head of Senior School

We often speak about being "proud" of something or someone, but why is that important to each of us? Individually we all have certain values and beliefs that guide us and our decision making, and we also have expectations that are placed on us by the communities to which we belong. We try to uphold these values and beliefs and will often have a sense of pride if we exceed them. We also feel more connected to the community that we belong to, whether it be our House or the College in a school context, or as part of our local or global community, when we are endeavouring to live by those values and beliefs. Connection and a sense of belonging are important parts of our relationships and being part of a community. We show our allegiance by wearing our colours, our uniform. This helps us feel part of something and we are proud to represent our team or group. We encourage the boys to wear our Scotch uniform with pride, whether it be for school, sport or any other co-curricular involvement.

We are part of a great community here at Scotch, and we all contribute in different ways and strive to do what we know is right. Others will identify us and, at times, make judgements and it is important that we are aware of our actions and endeavour to act in a manner that upholds our standards. Do we always get it right? Of course not, and there are times when we may feel disappointed, upset or embarrassed. Times when we don't feel as proud of ourselves, or our actions. Recognising that is important, understanding why we feel this way and why others may also feel this way is also important. That's when we can lean on our community and those closest to us. We can also look out for those who may be having a tough time and reach out to them. We can continue to build on the strength of our community by connecting with others, showing compassion and supporting those around us. That is the right thing to do and something to be proud of.

This was re-enforced to me during the week when I heard about a Senior School student who realised a student from a local primary school was distressed as she didn't know the way from the train station to her school. The Senior School boy went out of his way to walk the student to her school and make sure she was okay. It is these small, but very important acts of kindness that help us connect as a community and feel proud about who we are.