The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

News from 6.1

What a start to 2019 it has been! Only a few weeks ago boys arrived wide eyed and excited for the many firsts that awaited them in the Middle School.

From lockers and wobble stools to table tennis and new timetables, boys have quickly adjusted to their new environment.  6.1 have dived into exploring the Earth's structure and tectonic plates in our Natural Disasters' unit as a part of iLearn.  With a focus on organisation and thinking skills, boys have explored scientific terminology and created eye catching diagrams.  The opportunity to create maps and rehearse important note taking skills has seen students develop a deeper understanding of the topic.

6.1-1.jpg  6.1-2.jpg

The class are looking forward to exploring the recent volcanic activity in neighbouring Bali and the popular tourist islands of Hawaii.  The questions of; "How have local communities recovered?", "Why would people live in these areas?" and "What happened to tourists caught in these disasters?" will be explored to examine the far-reaching impacts of these events.

With a positive and enthusiastic start to the year now leading into a busy term everyone has enjoyed getting to know each other and forming new friendships.  With Surf lessons quickly approaching early next term everyone is looking forward to the exciting events to come!

Mr Justin Shaw
6.1 Homeroom Teacher