The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Year 8 2020 Community Project Parent Information Evening

As a three-year MYP programme school, the International Baccalaureate has a Community Project which is one of the great culminating projects that helps boys demonstrate the ideals and attributes of an IB learner.  In 2020 your son will complete the Community Project as their culminating event of the MYP.  The Community Project recognises the IB's philosophical position that action is a critical part of learning and the College's own mission statement regarding the importance of service.

We are inviting all Year 7 parents to join us in Memorial Hall on Thursday 28 November, from 6.30pm – 7.30pm for a presentation and outline of the Community Project and what it will mean for your son in 2020.  This is a very important presentation as the Community Project will require some significant parent support as boys, working in their small groups, investigate, plan, deliver, reflect upon and eventually showcase the service opportunity they have in Year 8.

Myself as Community Project Coordinator and the Director of Service and Citizenship Mr David Kyle will co-present the meeting.  We look forward to your attendance, your input, ideas and support.

Mrs Mia Sullivan
Community Project Coordinator