The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

8.1 - Who am I?

Over the holidays, the boys were tasked with tracing back their family tree to 5 generations.  The aim of this was to encourage boys to develop foundational knowledge of where they had come from.  Knowing our history gives us a connection and a sense of belonging.  Some boys found this task easy to complete, while for others it posed a greater challenge.

Connection and a sense of belonging is what we strive for boys to develop at Scotch College and for many this comes from their time in the Middle School.  For the boys in 8.1 this sense of connection has begun with creating posters that share aspects of themselves - their hobbies, interests and pets.  They were also asked to include a photo of their family, from where their first sense of belonging comes from.  It has been lovely to learn about the external lives and interests of our boys.

8.1-2.jpg  8.1-1.jpg

As we begin this final year of their Middle School journey, my hope is that the boys of 8.1 will have a sense of belonging and connection with their peers and that this year will remain in their memories as one of their fondest.

Mrs Tracey FitzPatrick

8.1 Homeroom Teacher