The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Middle School Co-Curricular Clubs

Middle School offers an enormous range of co-curricular clubs. The Middle School Library hosts a Wednesday lunchtime Years 6–8 Books 'n Bros Book Club and a Friday lunchtime Year 6 Dungeons and Dragons Club (Year 7 & 8s play on Wednesdays in Mr Arbuckle's room).

Book Club

Boys who join the Book Club might not be keen readers or enjoy a challenging read. They might just like a chilled opportunity to chat and share. By default, boys end up meeting new people and experiencing new activities and developing new interests.


Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons is not just for boys who like to role-play and make-up stories. This club helps with developing creativity, reducing anxiety about sharing aloud, and helps to think outside the box. The boys in this club build a camaraderie and have said it has helped with their problem-solving and can even develop their empathy towards others.

Co-Curricular Clubs offer a lot more than just an activity in itself. They are about finding others of a like mind, meeting boys outside their own friendship circle, and exploring new Middle School opportunities.

Ms Marie Grech
Middle School Information & Research Specialist