The Thistle - An E-Newsletter of Scotch College, Perth, Western Australia

Service and Citizenship 

Part of being community-minded and service-oriented is doing what is required of us in order to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to keep the vulnerable in our midst safe. Even though active outreach is still on hold, everyone has contributed to the greater good by isolating, maintaining physical distancing and attempting to encourage and support each other.

Our open Scotch tennis courts and fields have been a great service to the local community. They have allowed so many people to enjoy getting out with their pets and to engage with others in safe and responsible ways.

Anzac Day

On Anzac Day, a number of our trumpeters and pipers paid tribute to past and currently serving members of our armed forces by playing in their driveways at allocated times during the day. I accompanied Pipe Major David  Stulpner and a team of pipers as they played outside three aged care homes near the school. It was very moving to see how much this meant to the residents and even to people in neighbouring apartments and homes.

World’s Greatest Shave

Sadly, this year it was impractical to hold the World's Greatest Shave (a joint venture with PLC in support of The Leukaemia Foundation) on our school grounds. Despite this, more than a hundred Year 12 students shaved their heads, continuing to support the amazing cause. Below are some before and after pics. Students still managed to raise a staggering $33,753 for The Leukaemia Foundation.

Staff Service

Thank you to staff who have continued to cook meals, providing the Salvos with around 100 meals each week. Organisations like the Salvos are struggling to support the increasing number of people who find themselves in very precarious positions, so our meals are greatly appreciated. If anyone would like to be part of this service outreach, please contact Rev Gary for more information.

Besides the economic devastation that COVID-19 has brought, many predict that a surge in mental health struggles will soon follow. Looking out for others, supporting each other, being a friend, are forms of service we can all engage in.

With our Year 12s returning to school this week, we look forward to working with service captains to find creative ways of continuing service activities until we can cautiously restart some of the service programmes.

before.jpg after.jpg

Rev  Gary van Heerden